
Here are some resources to help with Psychiatry. The best textbook is Psychiatry at a Glance. Supplement this with PassMedicine to learn and retain the key facts. Use Geeky Medics to learn key points in a psychiatric history and the Mental State Exam (MSE). Click the links below to be directed to each resource.

Psychiatry at a Glance

This is an easy to read and very comprehensive textbook. Like all “At Glance” books, each topic is covered in 2 pages with the first page acting as a visual summary, so is ideal for both learning from scratch and also quick revision. It covers all the topics you’ll be examined on, so no need to use multiple resources. I recommend reading this throughout your Psychiatry placement and using PassMedicine psychiatry questions to test your learning.

Geeky Medics

Use Geeky Medics to learn how to take a psychiatric history and to perform a Mental State Exam (MSE). The first few pages of Psychiatry at a Glance is also a good resource for this.

I recommend making some mnemonics to remember key features; for example, to remember depression features and key point to ask in the history, I use MAE SWAG CAD (low Mood; Anhedonia; low Energy; decreased Sleep; Weight-loss; Guilt; low Concentration; decreased Activity and thoughts of Death/suicide).

