Elective Shaene Gnanarajah Elective Shaene Gnanarajah


Let’s start from the bottom: what exactly is “the elective”? Well, Wiki will tell you that an elective is: “a placement undertaken as part of a medical degree where the content and setting of the placement are largely decided by the student undertaking it”. Basically, it’s the part that we medical students look forward to; “a lot of time to do whatever, wherever”.

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My Story
Elective Shaene Gnanarajah Elective Shaene Gnanarajah

My Story

I started planning my elective about a year before I was meant to go and found myself very confused. So like anyone, I decided to ask around to my friends and the year above. Some gave good advice and some just confused me. But, the best bit of advice I got was to firstly decide what I wanted out of my elective. Do I want to chill and lounge around for 7 weeks? Do I want to work very hard and go in 9-5 every day? Or do I want a mix of both?

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The Guide
Elective Shaene Gnanarajah Elective Shaene Gnanarajah

The Guide

So, that was my story. Now let me help you with your very own. I’ve compiled below a step-wise approach to planning the best elective. Start by deciding your goals and then find out which locations and hospitals are best suited to those goals using The Electives Network website. Be pro-active and persistent throughout!

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The FAQs
Elective Shaene Gnanarajah Elective Shaene Gnanarajah

The FAQs

We’ve compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions by those starting to plan their elective, including “how to decide elective goals”, “USMLE for USA”, “funding, visas and insurance”. We’ve also provided some links to useful resources!

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Alternative Elective
Elective Raihan Mohammed Elective Raihan Mohammed

Alternative Elective

My elective was a far cry from the sandy beaches and tropical rainforests of most medical students. I spent 7 weeks with the London Healthcare team at McKinsey, a management consultancy firm. You might be wondering why I chose to spend one of my final, ‘long’ summers as a student sat in an office making Excel models instead of riding elephants in wavy garms. But here’s 2 reasons why you should consider an elective at McKinsey:

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