Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Here are some resources to help with Obstetrics & Gynaecology. The best textbook for Obs & Gynae is the book by Impey & Child. Supplement this with PassMedicine to learn facts and build a good knowledge basis. Use Geeky Medics to learn salient points for Obs & Gynae histories and examinations. Click the links below to be directed to each resource.
Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Impey & Child)
This is a very good book for building up knowledge and understanding, but probably goes into more detail than you need. A good feature is the table summary at the end of each main topic. Read this throughout Obs & Gynae placement, using PassMedicine questions and textbook to supplement.
Use Geeky Medics to learn salient points for Obs & Gynae histories and examinations. In particular, learn what are the must ask questions on history, how to perform a bimanual/pelvic exam and take a cervical smear.